Study Abroad Week 5!!!

 Hello ! I am very behind on blog posts so I'm just going to post two in a row to get caught up and pretend that nothing happened. My classes are finally starting to kick in aka I actually have to do work. Every day I am surprised by small cultural differences in going to a university abroad. For example, today I was trying to check out a book in the library, and they don't use the same library organization system as the united states so I asked the librarian where a book was and she gave me a number and I was like....alright this means nothing to me, Betty Sue. ALSO you actually have to like....use books for research here. If you were to have me write an essay back home, I would pull everything off the internet easily, but here everything is so specific to the location you almost have to use books as a reference. Anyways I'm writing about the River Thames in the 15th century for my history class and I had to use a book as a reference and I felt like Hermione Granger sitting in the library reading a scholarly book....I also felt like I was in the year 1806. 

So this week I was very tired because I was in Paris and then Stockholm and Copenhagen, so I was so excited to be back in London for the weekend! 

I literally did nothing all week except go to class and on thursday my friend Mia and I went to Abbey Road Studios and took the cheesy picture and then left. 

After that we walked to Primrose Hill to see the historical site of where Harry Styles stood and go the idea to write his solo album. #buyharrystylesonitunes Anyways we took the wrong turn and ended up walking through Regents Park and it was *so* cute. I can't wait to go back there in the spring and ride my fucking bike through the park

This is my friend Mia and I after walking 43254 miles to Primrose Hill! 

We also walked down Primrose Hill High Street? I think that's what it was called....anyways everything was decked out for Valentines day ❤️❤️

We don't have class on Friday so we went to a club on a Thursday and I still feel like I'm not allowed to be there even though I am. 

On Friday I met up with a family friend that was visiting London with her husband! She also used to babysit my sister and I about 10 years ago (ahhh that's so crazy)! But we went to the Elan Cafe and it was literally the cutest place ever I felt like every blogger would have prolapsing organs when they walk in bc it is very /instagramable/ 

 The next morning we tried to go to Farm Girl Cafe and it was so busy so we went somewhere else, so if you want to go to Farm Girl, I would suggest going at like 8am on a tuesday, not 12pm on a saturday. After that I went to Harrods and walked around for like 3 hours and realized that I am very poor. 

AND THEN LADIES I GOT REALLY FUCKING SICK and this is what my life looked like for about 4 days! But I am feeling a lot better than I was this past weekend. I just have a cough now but I am still going to be dramatic and complain about every minor inconvenience. Anyways goodbye friends hopefully I am off my deathbed and actually do stuff next week!  

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