
A new travel post!!!! Over spring break, my family and I took a train from Kansas City to Chicago! I love cities SO much and I love exploring them and finding new things! I basically wore the same thing everyday so this should be an interesting post lmao

Day 1

Basically all we did this day was ride on the train I looked like a literal river rat because we had to leave our house at 4:45 AM!! so yea pretend day one never happened 

Day 2

Day two was spent walking around down town, going to the Willis tower and avoiding the drunk people at the St. Patrick's day parade. I also found a prom dress on hella sale at the Bloomingdales on Michigan Ave.

This is my sister and I at Dylans Candy Bar wanting to eat everything but also not wanting to spend 20$ on a lollipop.

Here is my sister and I (again) at the 103 floor of the Willis Tower. The only reason I didn't cry like a new born baby on an airplane is because I didn't even look down. But in reality, I hate heights so much this was basically my version of hell.

What I am wearing

Jacket: Ruche
Sweater: LA Hearts (no longer available)
Boots: Report
Purse: Kate Spade

Day 3

Day three was rainy and cold :( We started the day off at Navy Pier because we thought it would be cool and then we got there and were like....okay this is trash with a Jamba Juice in it. After that we ate at Eataly and walked around downtown.
Me trying to pose, also the shirt I am wearing.. backstory: I was in Franchescas and the guy working WAS THE NICEST ADORABLE GAY MAN EVER!!!! He asked me my name, we talked about Taylor Swift and then he kept telling me I would look cute in stuff... and I believed him. So note to all stores, hire an adorable gay man

A candid by my mother of my sister and I strolling down Michigan Avenue 

What I am Wearing

Jacket: Ruche
Shirt: Franchescas
Boots: Report
Umbrella: Gap
Purse: Kate Spade

Day 4

Day four basically consisted of waking up really late, having a sketchy uber driver and eating the Chicago hyped up M burger (which in my opinion was not that good). Also we went to the Art Institute so that was cool, mainly because that is were Michelle and Barack Obama met(HOW CUTE).

Me standing by some art

This wasn't art, this was just a sign on the door, but I thought it was cool and TRU AF

What I am Wearing

Jacket: Ruche
Shirt: TopShop (no longer avalible)
Boots: Report
Purse: Kate Spade

1 comment

  1. AWWW MAYA THIS LOOKS LIKE SUCH A MAGICAL TRIP! I'd love to go to Chicago one day it actually looks amazing :D That tower would probably freak me out so much, I'm so proud of you for even attempting to go up, although it looks incredible, just so scary.

    I LOVE THAT SIGN! Definitely true, it's like tumblr art has just entered the real world. So happy you had just a lovely time in Chicago <3

    Your swiftie sister, friend and the girl still in love with your pyjama day post,

    Anne // A Portrait Of Youth xx
