So many of you know that I attended one of the 1989 Secret Listening sessions in October 2014. You can read about that here! I never really explained the entire golf club situation so HERE YOU GO!  I attended the 1989 Tour in Kansas City and while Taylor was playing blank space and holding a golf club, I was yelling 'HIT ME WITH IT" because I have ABSOLUTELY no chill. ANYWAYS HERE IS THE VIDEO  if you want to watch me being insane.....SO as you can see, she saw the video of me yelling and REBLOGGED IT and then it went lowkey viral. It was on Buzzfeed, Golf Digest, Seventeen Magazine, Teen Vogue, Snapchat Discover, and multiple sports websites. I received an email a few weeks later saying that I had won tickets to the Omaha show. I was so excited! And they replied to my email saying that they had MEET AND GREETS FOR US. !!!!!!!! The day of October 9th came and I was so nervous. I figured taylor wouldn't remember me since the last time I saw her was a year ago. (ALMOST EXACTLY A YEAR AGO HOW EMO)  As I was walking to the meet and greet my friend Hannah was backstage for a tour. She comes running up to me yelling "MAYA THEY BROUGHT A GOLF CLUB BACKSTAGE, THERE IS A GOLF CLUB IN THE MEET AND GREET ROOM"...PAUSE.....THIS MOMENT WAS THE MOMENT I KNEW I WAS NOT GOING TO EVER SEE THE SUN AGAIN. I AM A CORPSE BECAUSE OF THIS VERY MOMENT IN TIME. .... I walk into the meet and greet room and Taylor's manager was there and goes "are you hit me in the face girl?" and I was like *laughs nervously* THE MOMENT OF TRUTH. The curtain opens and standing there is Taylor, the queen herself in a black and white lace jumpsuit. Standing like 200 feet above me in her 6inch Prada pumps (heavy breathing). THIS IS THE BEST PART. She was standing there WITH A GOLF CLUB AND GOES "LETS DO THIS MAYA" SUDDENLY I FELT MY SOUL LEAVE MY BODY. I run up to her (let me remind you oxygen was limited in my system at this time) and I gave her THE BIGGEST HUG and she goes "MAYA I MISSED YOU SO MUCH"and I didn't know what to say because I simply COULD NOT believe that she remembered me and knew my name and so I  just yelled "NOOO" IN HER FACE. And then she laughed at me and told me that we were going to take the most EPIC MEET AND GREET PICTURE OF ALL TIME. And she told me were to stand and how to pose and WHEN TAYLOR SWIFT TELL YOU WHAT TO DO YOU JUST DO IT. She told me to act like I'm screaming but I couldn't stop smiling so I'm all :D After we took the most iconic photo to ever exist she was about to put the golf club down and FOR SOME REASON????MY DUMBASS BLURTS OUT "wait taylor can you actually hit me with the golf club" and all of her team members were standing there like WHO IS THIS GIRL??? WHY IS SHE HERE? SHOULD WE CALL SECURITY? but taylor, my literal mother that understands everything about me understood that I was JOKING and so she laughed at me and walked over with the golf club and tapped it to my head, And so yes. I am the only person to ever walk this earth that can say that I have been hit in the face with a golf club by taylor swift. After the photo her manager tried to rush us out of the room but I was like HOLD UP and just started talking to taylor. And I was like "taylor I am a senior now and I have listen to your music since I was in elementary school" and she was like "AWWWWW SINCE YOU WERE A LITTLE BABBBYYYY" AND I WAS LIKE ASDFGHJKL and I told her that I felt like we grew up together and THEN AND THEN!!!THIS LADY GRABS MY HANDS AND LOOKS AT ME DEAD IN THE EYE AND GOES "Maya you look really pretty right now" AND I WAS JUST STARING AT HER AS ALL MY INTERNAL BODY ORGANS SHUT DOWN. I was just like "NOOOO YOU LOOK SO PRETTY" and ANYWAYS THATS THE STORY OF HOW TAYLOR SWIFT STOPPED ME MID SENTENCE TO CALL ME PRETTY ????????????? So after my internal body organs shut down, she decided to kill the rest of me. She was like "I don't know if you know this, which you probably do since I like your posts ALL the time,  but you have the most incredible, witty, outrageous sense of humor" and I was honestly a corpse at this point so I just stood there and she KEPT GOING she was like "You have the most AMAZING sense of humor because like it is so crazy but you are not actually like a crazy person!" and I was like "So I'm a cool crazy" and she was like "YES it is incredible please never change. She then told me that before her and her dancers go onstage for bad blood they all act like they are fighting and yell "HIT ME WITH IT" and I was just standing there like WHAT.....HAVE ....I..... DONE......Then her manager was looking at us like she was going to kill me and so I knew that was my queue to skedaddle. I gave her another hug and was like "TAYLOR I LOVE YOU" and she was like "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH"and I just told her I loved her again and she laughed and told me that she looks forward to seeing our picture on tumblr tonight because she had BEEN DAYDREAMING ABOUT TAKING THAT PHOTO ALL DAY!!!!  And I told her she would DEFIANTLY see it on tumblr tonight and she laughed and I told her I LOVED HER AGAIN. AND SHE SAID SHE LOVED ME AGAIN AND BASICALLY WE ARE MARRIED. After the concert I posted the picture and she GOES ONTO MY BLOG...LIKE THIS LADY SEARCHED MY BLOG NAME BC SHE KNEW IT OFF THE TOP OF HER HEAD????/ AND REBLOGS THE PICTURE OF US AND GOES "HIT ME WITH IT #DO THAT TO MY FACE" me: was  honestly gone at this point. SO the next day was the 2nd night of the 1989 tour omaha and I was going with my sister to have a nice time and sit and enjoy the show. I was having a good time in the bstage pit GOING OFF to all the songs, dancing, having A GOOD TIME. AND THEN taylor decided that she didn't ATTACK me enough last night so she needed to take a WACK AT ME AGAIN and so during out of the woods she noticed I was in the crowd and bends over and GIVES ME THE BIGGEST SMILE. i COULD NOT BELIEVE SHE SAW ME OUT OF A CROWD OF 13,000 PEOPLE????/And I literally FALL to the ground. and she starts laughing and then goes to the other side of the stage. My sister was trying to lift me off the ground and THEN SHE COMES BACK OVER TO ME....STOPS SINGING.....AND mouths "HIT ME IN THE FACE" and honestly I I blacked out. I have no memory of the proceeding events.


Anyways that was my story of the 1989 tour omaha and I hope you all enjoyed reading about my DEATH,

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