Hello this is the part of the year where I reflect on all the dumb things I did! But as a horrible beauty/fashion blogger I am going to take this chance to share with you my favorites products of the this year! Because lets be real, its 2015 we are all MATERIALISTIC AF
Okay by T.V I don't mean sitting on the couch and watching the T.V, I mean watching netflix and these were my favorite things to binge watch on netflix in 2015
1. Gilmore Girls- I think I started watching this in 2014 and then finished in 2015 and then I re-watched it again in like october. Anyways I DISTINCTLY remember skipping school in like January to watch Gilmore Girls so there's that.
2. Breaking Bad- This was a show I am surprised I liked. I love heartless shows like Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl and Full House, but this show was so well done that even I can watch a show about murder and a meth lab.
3.Full House- OKAY YES I have watched this show since I was like 4 but I discovered this year that you can change your location using the Google Chrome extension Hola and so I got access to Canadian netflix and it had all of the Full House episodes so I watched all of those again this summer and I am so excited for the spin off coming to netflix in febuary!
4. Parenthood- I loved this show! I watched the entire thing over spring break and it was such a cute show and I am proud of myself for finishing it in a week, I think that is a new record.
Okay I am not much of a movie watcher but these were my favorite movies that I saw in 2015
1. Mockingjay Part 2- HANDS DOWN FAVORITE MOVIE OF THE YEAR. I have been a fan of the hunger games since 2011 and to see the entire franchise come to an end was so hard for me. The characters in the films were people that I have grown to love as well as the actors I.E JENNIFER LAWRENCE MY MOTHER AND SAM CLAFLIN MY SON. I am trying to make it to March 8th 2016 aka the day it comes out on DVD.
2. Love Rosie- Okay this came out in 2014 but I watched it in 2015 which means I can blog about it. After I saw mockingjay pt. 2 I went through a slight Sam Claflin phase and watched all of his movies. Love rosie is such an adorable romantic comedy and it has my favorite actors and takes place in my favorite cities and I JUST LOVE IT.