2015 Favorites: Beauty

Hello this is the part of the year where I reflect on all the dumb things I did! But as a horrible beauty/fashion blogger I am going to take this chance to share with you my favorites products of the this year! Because lets be real, its 2015 we are all MATERIALISTIC AF 

Okay 2015 was the year I FINALLY came to terms with how ugly I am and so I did some exploring with beauty products to TRY and fix that

1. My favorite Lipstick of 2015 was the Tarte Amazonian Lip Butter in Tulip.(x) I loved this product because it looked so natural on and it was a great color AND YEA this was a nice lipstick,

2. Another favorite was Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara  (x) Being Indian comes with its blessings and curses, but long eyelashes is one of the blessings, and this mascara was like a genetically modified fruit to a farmer. It was like my eye lashes were being put on steroids. WHICH THEY BASICALLY WERE BC THIS STUFF MADE MY EYELASHES TOUCH MY EYE BROWS. SERIOUSLY I NEED TO GOOGLE WHAT IS IN THIS STUFF BC IM 70% THIS MASCARA COULD BE ILLEGAL
3. My third favorite beauty product of 2015 was the First Aid Beauty Triple Eye Remedy (x) The many sleepless nights I had during 2015 of doing absolutly nothing were cured by this product. If I pulled an all nighter watching all the hunger games movies and looked like I was on the verge of dying the next day, I would just dab some of this on my eye and it made it look like I was only kind of dying! 
4. I also loved the Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in bronze (x) I wish I had some cool reason why I liked this product, but really the only reason I bought it was because Taylor Swift uses it, and do I really need any further explanation. But to be fair this is a really nice product for people like me who ARE LAZY AS HECK and want a bronzer, blush, highlight, eye shadow pallete ALL IN ONE PRODUCT. 
5. OKAY I know I am probably the last person anyone should ask for advice on hair because lets be real, mine looks like a 5 year old that won't let their mom brush their hair. Maybe 2016 will be the year I learn to control the mess that lives on top of my head. WAIT HOLD UP I need to tell a traumatic hair story that happened to me in 2015, The Monday after prom, I was so tired of having long hair so I decided to cut it all off. ON IMPULSE. NEVER EVER LET ME DO THAT EVER AGAIN, People like Taylor swift and Jennifer Lawrence can cut their hair really short, but THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT I CAN. And that is one of the most valuable lessons I learned in 2015 when I had people ask me if I was a lesbian for 4/12 months. Anyways I was going to tell you the products I like to use on my hair but I am deeply regretting talking about hair and maybe this will be a conversation we can have in 2016.

I had lots of beauty products I like and tried out in 2015 but these were my absolute favorites that I will carry with me into 2016

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